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Light Codes 5D

The Earth-Heart Light Codes will help you to better navigate the dramatic changes
you are experiencing. Watch the YouTube Channel - Light Codes with Julie to learn the codes and how to use them. 
In this course you will learn to use your breath and the codes together to infuse your aura and chakras with this updated information. Using these codes and breathing together on regular basis will allow you to stay connected to YOUR Heart Chakra and to the Earth's Heart Chakra. 
Earth-Heart Codes

You can activate the codes by taking a live workshop or register for the 6 part online series. 
You will get a PDF document of the entire workshop materials with each class.

Of Universal Life Force Energy


The Earth-Heart Codes assist you in responding to the rapid electromagnetic changes that the Earth and all Beings on Planet Earth are experiencing.



“ Great energy work. I can see the major benefit of using this energy work along with my other modalities. Deep interactive Earth-Heart connection is SO needed on our planet today. This fills the need.”

Wendy Sue W., Kentucky

Teachings and Meditations


The purpose of the five sacred geometry codes, teachings and meditations, given by Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Chamuel / Archeia Charity and Angel O, to assist us in staying tuned to the rapid changes by expanding the capacity of our energy bodies.



The focus of the Earth-Heart Codes are to Evolve in Love, Evolution through:
* Allowing easy Expansion of the Chakras.
* Aligning with the Magnetic Field of Mother Earth.
* Meditations for Assimilation and Transformation in a way that assists in our carbon-based bodies cellular structure change.
* Increased Awareness and Clarity with practice of the meditations
* Learn to breath in a way that will allow the Earth-Heart Connection with every breath, keeping you connected to the Earth through your feet constantly for better overall health and well-being.
* Fully Embrace your Heart-Self..

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