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From the Goddess Pele -

The Earth is in Your Hands...

she needs your help.


Grounding for the
Current Celestial Transition

Meet Your Earth-Self


Guided Meditation
as it was given by the Goddess Pele
to Julie E. Brent on the Big Island of Hawaii 070707

The Goddess Pele is a perfect ambassador for this time as we keep on raising our vibrations since 2012 because she is an overseer of rapid transformations. Our Mother Earth, her Oceans and All Beings that are part of her are in need of your assistance NOW. By aligning our energies with the Earth Energies we are allowing the physical changes that the Earth is making to be made more easily. She said that because the magnetic fields of the earth are changing quickly that  ESPECIALLY those doing 'lightwork' to be able to stay in harmony with the Earth they would benefit from this simple yet profound meditation to connect with the Heart of Mother Earth. Our physical body must be able to use the higher vibrations of our expanded consciousness. Many people have dis-ease that is due to the physical body not matching the Earth's energy vibration. This process offered by Goddess Pele also prepares our physical body by anchoring us to this transformation the Earth is making. The template for our additional chakras has been in place since our bodies were created and now is the time to activate these chakras. The work that Goddess Pele offers will give the physical body the grounding needed for this Shift of Consciousness. 

In 1999 while living in Phoenix and working for Drunvalo Melchizedek I became aware of my ability to be a conscious channel. During that time I channeled a book about connecting to the Earth from the Realm of Archangel Michael. Later I began to channel a book about the human energy system and the expansion of the chakra system. Both books are available electronically as PDF. During my visit to the Big Island of Hawaii on 070707 I was contacted by the Goddess Pele and she asked me to share the message of grounding and expansion of energy. The Goddess Pele speaks through me when you are being guided to learn the Pele Meditation for Grounding.

I have the gift of Clairsentience which is the ability to feel and sense the thoughts and feelings of others, while still being centered in my own energies. I can energetically "hear the thoughts" and "feel the emotions" of others, and as well "sense" higher dimensional energies.

Legend of

The Goddess Pele...

Pele - the Hawaiian (Polynesian) goddess of the volcano, was born in Honua-Mea, part of Tahiti. She was one of a family of six daughters and seven sons born to Haumea (a very ancient Earth goddess) and Kane Milohai (creator of the sky, earth and upper heavens).

Her poetic name, Ka wahine `ai honua, the woman who devours the land, is both creator and destroyer. She throws molten fountains into the air, governs the great flows of lava, and has been known to reveal herself throughout the island of Hawaii. Pele is a goddess of fire, lightning, dance, volcanoes and violence.
She can also be gentle, loving, and as serene as her forests of ferns and flowering trees.
She is a gatherer of creative energy manifesting as pure compassion and caring for the aina (the land and its spirit) and the people who live on our planet.


"Since 2007 I have worked with this information personally and felt the profound difference in my own health and work. I have experienced many symptoms of ungroundedness and health issues for most of my life on Planet Earth. After doing this meditation and finding my Earth-Self I am now centered, grounded and fully cleared of old health issues. Since July 2007 I have been guiding almost all of my clients and students in the meditation and it has proven to be very useful and healing for them."

- Julie E Brent 

Endorsements for this meditation:


"Julie, the Earth-Self Meditation that you did with me yesterday enabled me to get clear and focused in my service here in Ft. Walton Beach to the dolphins. I am a dolphin communicator and very connected into the oceans. I have been much distressed with the situation in Orange Beach and Florida with the oil spill and am working ...very hard to keep my energies intact and my communications open with the Gulf. It was impossible to do that without going all to pieces. You work with me immediately calmed me and gave me very clear focus so that I can do what I need to do with laser intent and love. I recommended you to my friend Ana right away. I would recommend this to everyone right now. Thank you so much! Dolphinhugs4u2!"


Cyndie  Lepori

"I was experiencing mild depression due to lack of focus in my daily activities and was thinking of going to the doctor with my concerns, instead I went to Julie, immediately she could see that I needed this grounding meditation. It was incredible the change, my whole mind and body felt a wonderful sense of being grounded and focused. I use the Pele meditation anytime I feel scattered in my thoughts to pull me back to my goals and purpose.  A perfect addition to my Reiki, Quantum Touch and my 30+ years of Shaolin martial arts study. Thank you Julie." 

N. Meade, Reiki Master, Lexington KY

Quote from the GROUP - Channeled information via the LightWorker Newsletter of May 2010 "Most of what we are going to speak about today has to do with magnetic energy, because that has a direct influence on your emotional state. Many times when the magnetics of the planet are steady, your emotions can remain steady. You have a base emotional energy, or foundation, upon which you can build. As that field  begins changing and fluctuating on a daily basis, your own emotional stability seems to be thrown out of balance a little bit and you have more difficulty just finding your center and grounding." To read the entire message see full text here:


No Kahiki mai ka wahine `o Pele,
Mai ka `aina mai o Polapola,
Mai ka punohu a Kane,
Mai ke ao lapa i ka lani.

The woman Pele comes from Kahiki,
From the land of Polapola,
From the rising mist of Kane,
From the clouds that move in the sky.

I found this very relevant quote from this Channel of the Goddess Pele -

About the Image

Julie created of the Goddess Pele used in this page: Her hair represents the molten lava flowing from her crown, her dark skin represents the lava as it cools and turns to a rich black color and the flowers are those that first grow on the newly created earth.

"Guarding the Heartbeat of Mother Earth
      In this Light I begin to share with you words of love as you honor your path as the “I” of the Goddess Light here on this planet called Earth. It is of great importance that I share with you, that I, Pele, protect the spark that lies deep within the womb of Mother Earth and it is I who hold her in her darkest moments. Just as she is ready to lose all hope and her Light begins to dim, I remind her of my promise – my promise to be in service to her.
      I gave my word in Light that I, as the Goddess of Fire, will go forth in my own passion, relentlessly and assiduously until all of humanity feel and hear her cries of despair. Only then will the realization dawn in Light of “I” that these cries you hear are indeed your own."

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