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Entering The Aura -

Entura Art

Description by Delphi University -  

Patricia Hayes, founder and

developer of Entura Art 

What Is Entura Art?

"Entura means "entering the aura" or, in other words, entering the energy field. The Entura Artist is taught to enter the energy field of his/her subject one's self, another person, a place or thing, a past or present time period, or a spiritual concept like love, harmony, and wisdom to channel and convey intuitive understanding and messages related to that subject and to bring about needed and appropriate emotional and spiritual healing. Entura Art is an artistic form of alchemy that transmits both psychological and spiritual precision by way of symbols and colors that flow onto the canvas."

Path To Knowledge
Becoming More Intuitive
Healing Guidance
Entura Art by Julie E Brent
Future for Julie

Julie E Brent using Entura Art will connect intuitively and create a unique Entura Soul Essence Reading. Provide a photograph, name and your location for Julie to use to connect with the energy to bring forth information about guides, the journey and sometimes unexpected wisdom is provided. 
Introductory offer - Entura Art personalized message for only $75.00 - use PayPal - click ORDER

" I am so very stunned and speechless at the deep connection

that I have with this artwork.  It is amazing.  Thank you so much. I would like some time to sit with this energy and get back with you later with any questions that may come up. Thank you again.

I truly love it and feel myself already being set in the right direction, whereas before I wasn't sure of my next steps. "

Teresea - on her Entura Reading

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