“Learning to Drive Your 5th Dimensional Vehicle”
Workshop Series
with Julie E Brent AKA Serena Blue
2-3 hour blocks
As we are Masters already at changing the Universe we live in by incarnating into the physical to pretend to be human, and experience Imperfection (I’M Perfect) many of us are longing for a roadmap, and some terminology to assist us in talking about what we are experiencing.
This 5th Dimensional Mastery Series is intended to do just that by giving you tools to consciously work with and to be able to talk and teach others when you are ready.
Bi-Weekly or monthly classes
I. Understanding Dimensions - First Class in the Series
What has changed from 3D to 5D?
3D is very physical and things take a long time to manifest. If you continue to THINK you are living in that dimension you will experience the same exact thing.
When in 5D your thoughts and feelings manifest what you “see” and experience, thus if you are feeling and thinking 3D things thats what you get. However the power of 5D is that you can CHANGE it by thinking differently. This is what “law of attraction” is teaching us, how to realize that we ARE really creating our reality right now.
Free Conference Calls can be scheduled when there are 5 students interested.
Please contact Julie if you have interest in this Series.
askjulieebrent at gmail.com