Tri-Spiral Healing
8:8 Tri-Spiral Healing Sessions
8 min
8 days
Individual Tri-Spiral session focused on any area of concern: emotional, physical or situation.
Choice of Virtual, remote or phone with Julie E Brent
to arrange email
Tri-Spiral Healing teaches you to use intention and spiraling energies to amplify the Universal Life Force Energy for healing. This technique enables you to create a space for healing for self and others.
To register please send email with request and payment info discussed.
Julie has developed this intense form of healing that can raise your vibration instantly. Julie was called to action in response to the request of Physical Beings who wanted to have access to instant healing. Easy to learn and provides immediate results.
Julie E Brent
Tri-Spiral their own words
Comment from Karen J. Fairhope AL
after her first 10 minute distance Tri-Spiral Healing Session...
"This was a different level of healing than what I have experienced before. Right away I felt a concentrated integrated feeling on all levels physical emotional mental and spiritual. A light untangling feeling and release near the end and then I fell into a meditative sleep. When I got up I had physical reactions of coughing thirst and a need to sit outside. Right now I still have the physical symptoms but I can also feel them leaving. I feel I will have more to say about this later. I feel refreshed. Overall there was a depth to this session that was different for me."
Donna W. Fairhope AL
comments on her first distance 10 minute Tri-Spiral Healing Session
"I noticed some yellow/gold colors and at a later point a deep deep purple. These colors were very vibrant and shiny. The energies seemed to move from the inside out. It was gentle and at the same time intense.
The energies felt different. I guess I would say the energies seemed to have more of a purpose or a direction."